Without the dedicated support of our community, we would not be able to continue our rescue efforts. Donating is one of the best ways you can help support our fosters and rescue cats.
In some cases, extensive medical treatments are required in addition to the routine spay-neuter, veterinary visits, and day-to-day expenses. 100% of your donations benefit the cats in our care.
Donations for the following are always needed:
Male Cat Neuter – $45
Female Cat Spay – $60
Vaccinations and Tests – $60
Veterinarian Health Check – $50
Monthly Food & Supplies - $50
Donating to our cause is one of the best ways you can help support our fosters and rescue cats.
Donations help us to provide food, litter, supplies, and veterinary care for our cats, as well as to help support our many community cat colonies throughout the Savannah area.
We thank you for your generosity and support.